Psychological Test: TAT, WAT, SRT and SD.
TAT: Thematic Apperception Test
For 30 seconds the picture is shown to you and for the next 4 minutes, you have to write a story.
Total 12 pictures are shown to candidates, including a blank picture.

The rationale behind the technique is that people tend to interpret ambiguous situations in accordance with their own past experiences and current motivations, which may be conscious or unconscious.
It measures an individual’s ability to identify and formulate a problem situation.
It shows level of personal control, emotional distress, confidence and motivation.
So in a nutshell, whatever the perception you did of all the 12 pictures is combinely tells about your personality, the way you see the problems and whether your attitude to solve the problem is positive and effective or not .
In a very simple term, whatever the perception you are doing should highlight some real social or common problem which we face in day to day life.
If the character shown are in angry mood then you cannot write that they are in positive mood. Important point is your end of the story should have some better and efficient solution which ultimately leads to positive ending.
Picking a good problem and solving it efficiently which includes the benefits of not only the main character but also of society or the group of people, is the key of performing well in TAT.
Read the complete article to understand how to prepare for TAT.

A word is shown to you for 15 seconds and you have to write whatever the first thought which comes to your mind.
You might have heard or learned that you should write a positive sentence or any knowledgeable information or things related to what you have experienced. Right?
You might have Memorised few sentences too.
BUT let me be very honest with you. You might have answered 15-20 words according to what you have memorised but what about the rest 45 words?
Few candidates try to associate each words to armed forces or current affairs. Let's be a bit logical. Connecting even 50 responses either to armed forces or to current affairs means that day and night 24*7*365 days you only thinks about either army or read current affairs. Ask yourself that is it possible?
The assessor are trained and experinced enough to catch those responses because it is totally different from the rest of your responses which are natural.
15 seconds are very short time that you can manipulate your own thought untill and unless those thoughts starts coming to you psychologically.
Read the complete article to understand how to prepare for WAT.
SRT: Situation Reaction TEST

60 situations are given to you and you have to write what you would have done in those situations. Time alloted is 30 minutes.
These are normal life situations which anyone can face.
Types of responses which candidate gives
1) Relying on other people to slove the problem.
2) Making the problem more complex by adding problems from their own imagination and which is not written there.
3) Focusing on quantity(Number of situations answered) rather than quality(how you are handling those situations).
The way you are handling any situations gives a correct reflection of your personality. It should match with your TAT and WAT responses.
SRT is a natural response. You can't change it because you are putting yourself in that situation and then writing it down. But what you can do is making your answer more efficient.

Here you have to write what you think of yourself, what your parents, teachers/employers, friends thinks about you and the quality which you would like to develop in future.
Basically here also you are defining your own thoughts looking from the perspective of someone else.
Candidate write that they are doing good in study or they are helping nature or they can adjust in any situation or they fight with worst situation and never complain ETC ETC.
It is very very important to understand that the persoanlity traits which gets reflected in TAT or WAT or SRT should match here also.
How to prepare?
You can practice 'n' number of TAT or memorise each of the WAT or practiced SRT situations and SD.
But do you know how much time is given to you in each test?
Yes, 4 MIN FOR TAT, 15 sec for WAT and 30 sec for each of your situations(60 questions in 30 minute)
Be a bit logical here, it doesn't matter how many books you read, which notes you prefer, you cannot manipulate your natural response in those limited time and pressure to perform.
Assessors are experienced enough to catch your memorised answer and separate it from your natural responses.
Then what's the solution?
Never try to memorise anything because thats not gonna work out. The only thing which you are doing is getting stressed out.
Work on your natural responses. Make it more effective and presentable.
This is what we are here for. We will not change your natural response but we will work on your natural response to make it more effective.